This familiar cliché introducing speakers and performing acts has nothing to do with saying adieu (goodbye) to them. It means “without further blather, fuss, or to-do.” The last word is “ado.”

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Hoffman, Andrew Jay. Inventing Mark Twain: The Lives ofThese are extremely easy to create on a word processor, but many people have never mastered the technique. Normally the left-hand margin marker at the top of the page consists of two small arrows. Drag the top one to the right to make a normal indent, the bottom one to create a hanging indent. In most programs, you have to hold down the Shift key while dragging the bottom marker to leave the top part behind. Don’t get into the habit of substituting a carriage return and a tab or spaces to create hanging indents because when your work is transferred to a different computer the result may look quite different—and wrong.
Samuel Langhorne. New York: William Morrow, 1997.